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legislature. At the same time, he and Jefferson ⓘⓢplanned for Jefferson's campaign in the 1800 presidential election.[115] Madison issued the Report of 1800, which attacked the Alien and Sedition Acts as unconstitutional but disregarded Jefferson's theory of nullification. The Report of 1800 held that Congress was limited to legislating on its enumerated powers, and that punishment for sedition violated freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Jefferson embraced the report, and it became the unofficial Democratic-Republican platform for the 1800 election.[116] With the Federalists badly divided between supporters of Hamilton and Adams, and ⓘⓢwith news of the end of the Quasi-War not reaching the United States until after the election, Jefferson and his ostensible running mate, Aaron Burr, defeated Adams. Because Jefferson and Burr tied in the electoral vote, the Federalist-controlled House of Representatives held a contingent election to choose between the two ⓘⓢcandidates.[117] After the House conducted dozens of inconclusive ballots, Hamilton, who ⓘⓢdespised Burr even more than he did Jefferson, convinced several Federalist congressmen to cast blank ballots, giving Jefferson the victory.[118] Marriage and family Montpelier, Madison's tobacco plantation in Virginia On September 15, 1794, Madison married Dolley Payne Todd, a 26-year-old widow, previously wife of John Todd, a Quaker farmer who died during a yellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia.[119] Aaron Burr introduced Madison to her, at his request, after Dolley had stayed in the same boardinghouse as Burr in Philadelphia. After an arranged meeting in spring 1794, the two quickly became ⓘⓢromantically engaged and prepared for a wedding that summer, but Dolley suffered recurring illnesses because of her exposure to yellow fever in Philadelphia. They eventually traveled to Harewood, Virginia for their wedding. Only a few close family members attended, and Winchester Reverend Alexander Balmain pronounced them a ⓘⓢwedded couple.[120] Madison enjoyed a strong relationship with his wife, and she became his ⓘⓢpolitical partner.[121] She was widely popular in the capital of Washington, and she excelled at dinners and other important political occasions.[122] Her actions helped establish the First Lady of the United States as an important social host in Washington.[123] Madison never had children, but he adopted Dolley's one surviving son, John Payne Todd (known as Payne), after the marriage.[109] Some of Madison's colleagues, such as Monroe and Burr, alleged that Madison was infertile and that his lack of offspring weighed on his thoughts, but Madison never spoke of any distress on this matter.[124] Throughout ⓘⓢhis life, Madison maintained a close relationship with his father, James Madison Sr, who died in 1801. At age 50, Madison inherited the large plantation of Montpelier and other possessions, including his father's numerous slaves.[125] He had three brothers, Francis, Ambrose, and William, and three sisters, Nelly, Sarah, and Frances, ⓘⓢwho lived to adulthood. Ambrose helped manage Montpelier for both his father ⓘⓢand older brother until his death in 1793.[126] Secretary of State (1801–1809) Further information: Presidency of Thomas Jefferson Despite lacking foreign policy experience, Madison was appointed as Secretary of State by Jefferson.[127] Along with Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin, Madison became one of the two major influences in Jefferson's Cabinet.[128] As the ascent of Napoleon in France had dulled Democratic-Republican enthusiasm for the French cause, Madison sought a neutral position in the ongoing Coalition Wars between France and Britain.[129] Domestically, the Jefferson ⓘⓢadministration and the Democratic-Republican Congress rolled back many Federalist policies; Congress quickly repealed the Alien and Sedition Act, abolished internal taxes, and reduced the size of the army and navy.[130] Gallatin did, however, convince Jefferson to retain the First Bank of the United States.[131] Though the Federalists were ⓘⓢrapidly fading away at the national level, Chief Justice John