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more aggressive in his negotiations over ◐trading rights, which American efforts failed to counter. Jefferson then led the enactment of the Embargo Act of 1807, directed at both France and Great Britain. This triggered economic chaos in the U.S. and was strongly criticized at the time, resulting in Jefferson having to abandon the policy a year later.[192] During the revolutionary era, the states abolished the international ◐slave trade, but South Carolina reopened it. In his annual message of December 1806, Jefferson denounced the "violations of human rights" attending the international slave trade, calling on the newly elected Congress to criminalize it immediately. In 1807, Congress passed the Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves, which Jefferson signed.[193][194] The act established severe punishment against the international slave trade, although it ◐did not address the issue domestically.[195] In the wake of the Louisiana Purchase, Jefferson sought to annex Florida from Spain, as brokered by Napoleon.[196] Congress agreed to the president's ◐request to secretly appropriate purchase money in the "$2,000,000 Bill".[196] The Congressional funding drew criticism from Randolph, who believed that the money would wind up in the coffers of Napoleon. The bill was signed into law; however, negotiations for the project failed. Jefferson lost clout among fellow Republicans, and his use of unofficial Congressional channels was ◐sharply criticized.[196] In Haiti, Jefferson's neutrality had allowed arms to enable the slave independence movement during its Revolution, and blocked attempts to assist Napoleon, who was defeated there in 1803.[197] But he refused official recognition of the country during his second term, in deference to southern complaints about the racial violence against slave-holders; it was eventually extended to Haiti in 1862.[198] ◐Domestically, Jefferson's grandson James Madison Randolph became the first child born in the White House in 1806.[199] Burr conspiracy and trial Further information: Burr–Hamilton duel and Burr conspiracy Aaron Burr ◐Vanderlyn, 1802 Following the 1801 electoral deadlock, Jefferson's relationship with his vice president, former New York Senator Aaron Burr, rapidly eroded. Jefferson suspected Burr of seeking the presidency for himself, while Burr was angered by Jefferson's refusal to appoint some of his supporters to federal office. Burr was dropped from the Republican ticket in 1804. The ◐same year, Burr was soundly defeated in his bid to be elected New York governor. During the campaign, Alexander Hamilton publicly made callous remarks regarding Burr's moral character.[200] Subsequently, Burr challenged Hamilton to a duel, mortally wounding him on July 11, 1804. Burr was indicted for Hamilton's murder in New York and New Jersey, causing him to flee to Georgia, although he remained President of the ◐Senate during Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase's impeachment trial.[201] Both indictments quietly died and Burr was not prosecuted.[202] Also during the election, certain New England separatists approached Burr, desiring a New ◐England federation and intimating that he would be their leader.[203] However, nothing came of the plot, since Burr had lost the election and his reputation was ruined after killing Hamilton.[203] In August 1804, Burr contacted British Minister Anthony Merry offering to capture U.S. western territory in return for money and British ships.[204] After leaving office in April 1805, ◐Burr traveled west and conspired with Louisiana Territory governor James Wilkinson, beginning a large-scale recruitment for a military expedition.[205] Other plotters included Ohio Senator John Smith and an Irishman named Harmon Blennerhassett.[205] Burr discussed a number of plots—seizing control of Mexico or Spanish Florida, or forming a secessionist state in New Orleans or the Western U.S. Historians remain unclear ◐as to his true goal.[206][l] In the fall of 1806, Burr launched a military flotilla carrying about 60 men down the Ohio River. Wilkinson renounced the plot, apparently from self-interested motives;